I am finally up to December 2022 on my personal blog. It does feel good to be catching up with my life! I am thinking there will be six separate parts for December 2022, but this part will be the only one on the Blogger platform The other parts on Tumblr are looking to be: a very short Christmas Eve/Christmas post, Moraine & Mars, the Field Museum, Macy's lunch, and the final wrap up.
G and I stayed at the same hotel on the trip up: the I Hotel in Champaign. As usual it was nearly empty.
And we arrived the next day where we saw our family all in one place for the first time in a long time! So exciting!
And ate Firecake donuts!
And loved on our grand dogs!
I had to look at the date of the I-Hotel on my phone picture -- I had no memory we arrived in Champaign on the 21st. I was in disbelief - were we really there in Chicago from the 22nd to the 30th?
This was the first trip I took no active part in the planning. I had no clue what was going on. My PTA world had me buried deep in issues and problem-solving before I even left Tennessee. During my stay I was busy speaking with the broker about the sale of the building and with other board members. I was busy running two separate email votes and answering questions. Why did we have a broker who refused to do anything until the start of December? Even though we were ready to sell in August. Why pick this time of the year to open bids? It was crazy.
And then to add to that stress - my electric utility app quite clearly indicated that very little electricity was being used, and I knew it was very cold even back in Tennessee. That meant below freezing wind chill was blowing against a house with no heat. (And that turned out to be an accurate assessment.)
Unbeknownst to me the stress of it all had affected me. I simply could not think.
I know this is a dreary way of starting out the Christmas 2022 posts, but there are some mighty good posts coming along next. Despite it all, the love of family sustained a great time despite the coldest of weather and snow, there was always a warmth inside and good food to eat and share. The lesson here that despite myself, despite weather that changes plans, love is always a good thing.